

在早期 uedbet官网ISD  is a team of 80+ early interventionists, including speech-语言 pathologists, 职业治疗师, 物理治疗师, early childhood special education teachers, 学校社工. 在早期 services are based on a partnership between families and service providers, with the goal of empowering parents and caregivers to support their infant or toddler with a delay or disability in early learning and development. 

In addition, we are supported by referral & intake specialists, support staff, Spanish-speaking interpreters and an administrative team.

在早期 uedbet官网ISD works collaboratively with the 20 uedbet官网ISD local school districts and provides services to families living within these district boundaries. 在早期 uedbet官网ISD provides services on a year-round calendar.


在早期 program is designed to help families find the social, 健康, and educational services that will promote the development of their infant or toddler (birth to 36 months) with a 发育迟缓残疾;或 确定的医疗状况. Our collaborative approach partners parents and caregivers with trained early interventionists who may provide the following services: 

  • 集中推荐 & 摄入的支持
  • 发展评估
  • 首页 visiting using a parent coaching approach
  • 支持儿童游乐场所
  • 服务协调
  • 过渡计划

We provide early intervention services to nearly 1,550 eligible children throughout Kent ISD每年. If a child is found to be eligible for 在早期,我们可以:

  • Assist in making an individual plan to support the child and family
  • Provide ideas to support development in everyday activities
  • Connect families with community resources and collaborate with physicians
  • 听, support, and encour年龄 families and caregivers
  • Help parents become their child’s best advocate
  • Connect families and caregivers with their local school district to ensure a continuum of support

Are you concerned about your child's development?

的 first few years of your child's life are very important, and all children learn and grow at different rates. If you have any questions about how your infant or toddler is developing, or if you think that they may need extra help,

别担心. 但不要等待.

You can refer your child for an evaluation by completing an 在线表单 或致电800-327-5966. Once your referral is received, you will be contacted within ten days to discuss concerns and a possible evaluation.

点击此处转介您的孩子   单击以重新生成一个副本

使命: 在早期 uedbet官网ISD provides services to caregivers and families of children birth up to 年龄 3 by promoting individualized, 高质量的, and equitable early intervention supports within everyday experiences and interactions. 的 early intervention process reflects the family’s priorities, learning styles and diversity of beliefs and characteristics. 

在早期 uedbet官网ISD, in alignment with the Council for Exceptional Children, views diversity to include race, 种族, 文化, 语言, 年龄, (dis)的能力, 家庭地位/成分, gender identity and expression, 性取向, 社会经济地位, religious and spiritual values, 地理位置, 原产国. 

愿景: 所有照顾者和家庭, with individualized resources and support, can feel confident in enhancing their children’s learning and development.


在早期 Family Rights and Procedural Safeguards

uedbet官网ISD 儿童早期 Playgroups

社区 Supports + 资源 


在早期 uedbet官网ISD与 明亮的开端 for our uedbet官网ISD 首页 Visiting Advisory Team (在早期 密歇根LICC手册) which meets four times per year. If you have any questions about parent leadership at 在早期 uedbet官网ISD,电子邮件 earlyon@114huoguo.com.


If you're unable to keep your scheduled home visit, please 联系您的供应商 尽快. A pattern of missed appointments may result in your child being dismissed from the program.

如果你或你的孩子, or others in the home are sick, please contact your service provider to cancel your appointment.

Click or tap for referral forms:
Tap or click for referral form  单击以重新生成一个副本

1 (800) 327-5966

(616) 410-4639 




Alissa Hofstee
Director of 儿童早期 特殊教育 & 集成支持
摄入 & 推荐专家